gebioMized Push Standard Insole
Do you want more comfort in your shoe without sacrificing performance?
Then you should definitely try our standard "PUSH" insole. This not only increases your comfort in the shoe, but also gives you greater stability in the shoe and performance on the bike!

Individual customisability
Depending on the shape of your foot, we offer the Push insole in three different thicknesses (low, medium & high). These are based on your arch height and foot alignment. The special feature of this insole is its customisability thanks to the thermal process. After briefly heating them in the oven, they can be customised to your foot. And because our feet are often very different (size and shape), we also offer you a free choice of different thicknesses and sizes of insole for the right and left foot.

Our PUSH insole was developed on the basis of thousands of pressure measurements in our laboratories and further adapted and improved in many steps. Our many years of biomechanical experience with foot problems and pain when cycling have enabled us to create a high-quality insole that can completely replace the customised insole in many cases. The insole is 100% "made in Germany" and produced so that we are independent of long transport routes and delivery times.
You can purchase the insole for a price of EUR 149.00 in our concept labs.
Please contact us if you are interested.